Simple Package

#5,000Per Year

  1. Free Placement on our website
  2. Monitize Your Account
  3. Music Stores
    1. Apple Music
    2. Spotify
    3. YouTube Music
    4. Deezer
  4. Generate Fan link
  5. Youtube ID

Mini Package

#16,500Per Year

  1. Free Placement on our website
  2. Monitize Your Account
  3. Music Stores
    1. Apple Music
    2. Spotify
    3. YouTube Music
    4. Deezer
    5. SoundCloud
    6. Tidal
    7. All Social Media For Promotions like:
      1. Facebook
      2. instagram
      3. Tiktok
    8. And any other Avaliable Store
  4. Generate Fan link
  5. Youtube ID
  6. Put Your Songs Up for playlisting before release date
  7. ++website Package

Boss Package

#25,000Per Year

  1. Free Placement on our website
  2. Aritist Control
  3. Monitize Your Account
  4. Music Stores
    1. Apple Music
    2. Spotify
    3. YouTube Music
    4. Deezer
    5. SoundCloud
    6. Tidal
    7. All Social Media For Promotions like:
      1. Facebook
      2. instagram
      3. Tiktok
    8. And any other Avaliable Store
  5. Generate Fan link
  6. Youtube ID
  7. Put Your Songs Up for playlisting before release date
  8. ++website Package